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As well as having capable leaders, now more than ever, superb teams are what is needed for organisations to thrive in our complex and interconnected world. Leadership is a team job. The notion of the “heroic leader” has been replaced by the awareness that high performing teams are much better placed to solve the problems of the 21st Century than any one individual, no matter how talented. 

Despite their best efforts, most teams never reach their full potential.  Current team development practices such as off-sites, team training and team building don't seem to be enough.


When a team is looking to achieve true transformation, when they need to do more than acquire useful tools, learn new ideas or skills, or achieve specific short-term results team coaching is a game-changer.The power of team coaching comes from its unique combination of a real work in real time.


Real work. Team coaching takes place, for the most part, in the context of real meetings and work sessions, rather than specially schedule sessions, simulations, games, or exercises.


Real time. The coach jumps in with live, real-time interventions. These interventions (called “moves,” as in chess moves) challenge the team and individual team members to notice how they’re operating right at that moment, as well as how these patterns of interaction are affecting their performance.


In response, the team makes specific adjustments—again, in real time—to either build on their strengths or improve on areas of weakness.

Skillful team coaching:


•Reveals hidden gaps in skill and understanding

•Brings awareness to unconscious behaviours, as they occur

•Enables real-time shifts in behavior and all of that is embedded

•It models great coaching for the team that eventually the team will be doing themselves.

Get in touch to find out how team coaching can transform your team. 

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